It’s easy to scroll through LinkedIn, X, or Instagram and get major comparisonitis. All you see is some twenty-something bragging about her million-dollar home in California thanks to her $97 digital product. Or a guy who works 4 hours a day but rakes in $600,000/year. You’ve tried buying their courses to learn their “secrets”... … But those heavily hyped secrets didn’t do bubkiss for your bottom line. It leaves you feeling crappy and wondering, “How do they make this seem so easy when it’s like pulling teeth for me?” It seems like they’re one-in-a-million success stories who just got So. Freakin’. Lucky. Look, I don’t know those people’s stories or businesses. And I won't pretend I do. But what I do know is that making “f*ck you!” money isn’t a dream reserved for lucky influencers, trust fund babies, or Kardashians. And when I say “f*ck you!” money, I don’t mean billions of dollars. I mean the kind of money that frees you from stressing about cash all the time. The kind of money that allows you to say “yes” to the stuff you want (and “no” to everything else). I know it's possible because I'm living it. And I was faaaaar from lucky. My last company failed—hard. Inc. Magazine said we were "building the next LinkedIn for women". I poured everything I had into the business—every waking hour and every dollar. But it still failed. I had to file for bankruptcy—a 7-year scarlet letter that was just wiped off my financial record last year. And 2 years into my current business, I had a baby (during the pandemic). Then my husband needed not one, but *two* emergency spinal surgeries, making me the primary parent and solo earner for nearly two years. Those first two years were rough. But 2023 was probably the hardest year of my life. But this isn’t a sob story. It’s a get rich slooooooow story. Last year, I had my best year in business yet. If you looked through my social posts in the last 2 years, you'd see proud updates like this 👇 PAINKILLER has grossed $104,242 in the last few days. But honestly? It was a combination of a whole lot of stuff. I worked hard. So why am I telling you this? (And cynically dismissing other people's success as "luck" won't help either.) You need to invest in the hard work of deeply understanding buyers. Then you take what you learn to craft offers they *want* and *need*. PAINKILLER can help. But whether you decide to join or not... you've gotta do the work. Really commit. Then in 3 years... people will say you "got lucky" too. And I've gotta tell you, that feels damned good. With ❤️,
You could always grab PAINKILLER later, but the highly-requested live messaging mastermind where smart peers will analyze and critique your new messaging will disappear tomorrow at midnight PST.
P.S. If you're thinking of waiting for a Black Friday / Cyber Monday deal, don't bother. PAINKILLER won't be going on sale again anytime soon. But what could happen between now and November 29th? You could have fixed your messaging. 4x actually. |
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